12 Things Expectant Moms Can Do to Stay Healthy in the COVID-19 Era

12 Things Expectant Moms Can Do to Stay Healthy in the COVID-19 Era

12 Things Expectant Moms Can Do to Stay Healthy in the COVID-19 Era

When you can’t go to the gym, you need alternative ways to stay physically active. Of course, for many people, exercising is a form of self-care — so you might need tips on taking care of yourself, too. A New Image Baby outlines 12 things you can do to stay active and both mentally and physically healthy throughout the lockdown.

Schedule Your Downtime as Me Time

It’s easy to get frustrated with finding time to get to yourself and do something for yourself. No matter how packed your days are, be intentional about how you’ll use downtown as “me time” by carving out time in your daily planner for nothing else but self-care. 

Factor Your Fitness Goals into Your Lifestyle

Without fitness goals, you’re apt to get off track because there’s nothing you’re working toward. When making goals, be realistic, with just enough challenge to push you to the next level. Also, don’t jump in headfirst — ease into your routine. And don’t forget to make it fun!

Keep Up with Healthy (and Regular) Habits

Now that you’re working on set fitness goals and practicing self-care on a regular basis, it’s time to look even longer term and determine how you’ll keep up with your healthy lifestyle. COVID-19 and its variants won’t rear their ugly heads forever, so consider now the time you’re setting the foundation of healthy habits that will continue for years to come.

While exercise is part of living a healthy lifestyle, so is finding balance with your self-care routine. Fortunately, it’s still possible to address both facets of your wellness while sticking close to home throughout the lockdown.

Photo via Rawpixel

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